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Tag Archive: content writing

  1. 3 Tips for Creating Eye-Catching Blog Titles

    Whether it’s on social media, search engine results, or your website, the first part of a blog post that a reader will see is the title. Your blog title can determine if a reader will click on it to read more or keep scrolling. This doesn’t mean that your images or the content of your blog isn’t important, but your title leads readers to these parts of your post that may not be seen if they click away. On average, 8 out of 10 readers will read your blog’s headline, while only 2 of 10 will read the rest of the content.

  2. How to Write Marketing Content that Sells and Tells Your Story

    Today’s consumers are more informed than ever before thanks to the wealth of information available online. In fact, over half of consumers say that offering free content on a topic they’re interested in is effective in attracting their business. This means that creating engaging content that both sells and tells your brand’s story is essential to your success. Finding ideas for this content can be challenging but can be done with a bit of creativity.

  3. How to Write Marketing Content with a Purpose

    Writing good, engaging marketing content is not easy. We, as marketers, must first understand that there’s already too much content out there for people to read and digest. If we want someone to give us their time to read what we write, it must be convenient, entertaining, insightful, and useful. There are millions of blogs on the internet and with more being added every day, you need to ensure your content stands out from the rest. If we lack purpose in our writing, we will fail to engage our target audience.

  4. What’s Old is New Again in Blogging

    Engaging blog content is essential to a successful marketing strategy in today’s world. With blogs receiving 528 million page views per month, content is being consumed faster than it can be produced. If you fear running out of ideas for your blogs, don’t fret. Repurposing old content can be a practical way to save time and attract new viewers to your page.

  5. 4 Ways to Promote Your Content

    From blogs to videos to social media posts, content creation is essential to marketing your business today. Equally important is promoting your content. You may think that simply publishing a post on your blog is enough, but it’s not. There are many different channels on which to promote your content and reach a larger audience.

  6. Why Marketing Content Depends on Audience Interpretation

    As a writer, I’m often surprised by the ways small instances in everyday life can translate equally well to professional marketing tasks. Content writing, for instance, is about perspective.  To communicate effectively, good writers have to shape their own expertise around the possible reactions of their audiences – and a recent discovery made me realize just how delicately that communication hinges on the interpretation of the people receiving it.

  7. The Value of Fencing Techniques in Content Marketing

    Every writer knows the old adage, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Last winter, I decided to take up fencing, something I’d always wanted to try and had never gotten around to. It turned out to be much more challenging than I’d expected, both physically and mentally. As I’ve practiced over the months, though, I’ve (slowly) gotten a little better – and I’ve realized that there’s a surprising connection between my professional work and my new leisure sport. At first glance, parrying a feint may seem to have nothing to do with blogging or updating social media, but in fact, fencing and content writing are closely linked in the components they incorporate and the strategies they use.

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