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3 Tips for Creating Eye-Catching Blog Titles

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Whether it’s on social media, search engine results, or your website, the first part of a blog post that a reader will see is the title. Your blog title can determine if a reader will click on it to read more or keep scrolling. This doesn’t mean that your images or the content of your blog isn’t important, but your title leads readers to these parts of your post that may not be seen if they click away. On average, 8 out of 10 readers will read your blog’s headline, while only 2 of 10 will read the rest of the content.

Here are 3 tips to make sure your blog title draws readers to your blog:

1. Be short, but searchable. Your blog title is also helpful to your search engine optimization (SEO). To meet these requirements, your title must be under 70 characters to keep it from being cut off in search engine results pages. Also, make sure that the primary keyword you have chosen for your blog is included in the title as this is also an SEO best practice.

2. Brainstorm. When coming up with blog topic ideas, it’s likely that you collaborate with a colleague. Coming up with blog titles should follow a similar process. Hold a brainstorming session to bounce ideas off of each other. Even if you do not have one set title at the end of this session, you could have a list of working titles to choose from.

3. Be interesting, but relevant. Using numbers, word play, and strong phrases can make your title more click-worthy. However, there is one thing you should remember. Although a title may be interesting, if it doesn’t match what is in your content, it will not be effective. Your readers are relying on you to be honest. They trust you as a source of information about your product or service. If they click on a title with expectations for your content and those expectations are not met, you will lose their trust.

Attracting readers to your blog starts with the title. Without an eye-catching title, the content of your blog post may go unread.

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