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Searching for: "customer retention"

  1. Why Competition Is Good For Business

    Most small business owners dread the idea of comparing their brand with their competition. We often see their facial expressions change dramatically when we ask them about their competition during a discovery meeting. While dealing with competition seems challenging and …

  2. Marketing Plan = Business Success? You bet!

    The New Year is quickly approaching us. For most organizations, their fiscal year follows the calendar year; as a result, the month of November is critical to budget, business strategy, and marketing planning. During November and December, marketing professionals typically …

  3. 8 Ways to Engage Your Audience on YouTube

    YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, processing 3 billion searches each month. By creating an active YouTube channel, you reach an eager, and younger, audience and your business also stands to gain more influence on Google. …

  4. Top 10 Marketing Trends to Watch in 2016

    With a new year comes new trends to follow. Marketing trends are no exception with social media, technology and competitors changing the landscape almost daily. Keeping up with trends is essential to your marketing plan for the new year and …

  5. Four Simple Ways to Make Relationship Marketing Work for Your Nonprofit

    Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty, interaction, and long-term engagement. It is designed to develop strong connections with stakeholders by providing them with information directly suited to their needs and interests, and by promoting open communication.

  6. YouTube for Small Businesses-Are You Missing Out?

    If you’re not making use of YouTube in your marketing, it’s time to embrace it. With over a billion (that’s not a typo, I promise) monthly users watching over 600 billion hours of video every month (Entrepreneur), YouTube is the …

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