- Reading time: 2 mins
- Topics:
- Holiday Marketing
The holidays are coming! And who doesn’t LOVE a great deal—especially a great Black Friday or Cyber Monday deal? This time of year isn’t only about buying gifts and finding the best prices, but the excitement around searching out the best deal, waiting in those long lines out in the cold on Black Friday, and yes, even cozying up in your PJ’s by the fire with your tablet on Cyber Monday. How do you let your customers know they can find the best holiday deals with you?
Here are a few tips on how to get people even more excited about your products and your sales:
Hype it up! Start sending emails now, and I mean NOW. You want to get customers thinking about you and your products long before the season starts so that when Black Friday comes, you’re the first business they think of. In these emails, hint at all the great specials you will have going on so that they know something big is coming.
Make them work for it and get engaged! Start a holiday competition on social media. Get your customers involved by telling them to post a picture or video of them using your product in a funny way. Tell them that the photo or video that you like the most (or gets the most likes, or any other criteria) will win a 75% off Black Friday coupon or some other prize. This will not only get your customers engaged and having fun, but will also reach a wider audience because of all of the people participating—and with a coupon or gift card to make this crazy shopping experience that much better, you can bet they’ll be participating!
Wait for it! Wait until Black Friday or Cyber Monday to release a new product. Hint through your newsletters and social media that you have a big surprise for your customers but don’t tell them exactly what the new product is until the day before the big sale.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday don’t have to be all about the best sale prices, either. Many shoppers will respond to fun giveaways and even charitable donations. Whatever you decide to do, be creative and your customers will notice, leading to a more profitable holiday season for you.