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Tag Archive: facebook

  1. 7 Ways to Reach Your Audience on Facebook

    With over 1.5 billion active users, Facebook remains the king of social media. According to Pew Internet Research, almost three-quarters of all Internet users are on Facebook. This means that your business needs to be active on this channel in order to reach potential clients.

  2. Why Facebook Doesn’t Replace A Well-Designed Website

    With limited marketing budgets, many small businesses opt for social media over a full website – after all, platforms like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter are free, and accessible to a huge audience. The truth is, though, even a robust, frequently-updated Facebook page doesn’t replace a website. Visibility is key in marketing, but success depends on having a permanent web presence – a place where customers can learn more about your business, explore what you have to offer, and (ideally) make a conversion.

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